Thank you for your patience during our clinical system change.
If you require online service access & had this previously via EMIS PATIENT ACCESS, please attend the practice with photographic ID & we will set up new log on details which will allow you to register using SystmOnline, AirmidUK or NHS App ( Our ODS code is B86068, you may be asked for this when registering)
If you require online access & have NOT HAD THIS PREVIOUSLY you will need to complete an application form – forms are available from reception & we will upload one to our website as soon as possible. Once completed please bring the form & photographic ID to the practice.
If you previously had online access via the NHS App & find you can not access your account the advice from NHS App is:
If you used photo ID to register for an NHS account, you should be able to access it again shortly after the system change is complete on Monday 15th July 2024.
If you registered for an NHS account without photo ID, you may need to ask your surgery to set you up again.
If your details do not update, you can also delete your NHS login and set up a new one.
If you need to contact the practice regarding the NHS App please email, we will work through these queries & get back to you regarding new log on details as soon as we can but please appreciate we have a lot of patients requesting online service access currently.